Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Disney- MGM Studios

This is our day out at Disney MGM Studios. Please bear in mind i was incredibly hungover this day so if i look like crap thats why!! When we got there we were attacked by these nasty little critters called lovebugs! They are sooo gross! They are basically two flies flying around having sex its sooo gross! Florida is infested with them at the moment ive never seen the likes!
When we got in we decided it'd be fun to get silly hats (obviously) so see below pic for that!! I was the groom and Meg was the bride!! Nat, Jenna and Kim were pirates and lucy bought pretty ears!
After this we went onthe Rock n Rollercoaster (the greatest ride ever) and the Tower of Terror (quite possibly the scariest thing ever). I was soo hungover it was horrible i had the worst shakes ever anyway! So photos top left clockwise : The gang in our hats, Jenna and I after Rock N Rollercoaster, Nat, Meg and myself before Tower of Terror and a pic of the Tower of Terror!
Had to go home early because it was way too hot and i was sooo ill.. i had no voice at all. Ended up sleeping 13 hours that night!! Posted by Picasa

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