Sunday, May 06, 2007

Little more bahamas!

As part of the cruise you get all your food included, each night you eat at a different restaurant but keep the same server for each evening. We also got a wine package added on. One night we got all dressed up and headed to Tritons which is a french restaurant themed around 'The Little Mermaid' the food there was amazing. On the way we bumped into Cinderella on the lobby and she asked if she could get a picture with me so of course i did! That night the cruise had a party called the Pirate party which was so much fun we all got into it and we dancing and singing then all of a sudden all the characters came out which was fun and it all ended with a fireworks show in the middle of the ocean! The next day we went parasailing which was soo much fun and the weather was fabulous so the views were incredible! That night we had our final meal at a restaurant called animators palate. The whole place is black and white with paintings on the wall in black and white and then as the night goes on everything becomes colourful and at the end of the night the servers walk through the restaurant and you cheer for them to say thanks to them!! All in all i had an incredible time and wouldn't hesitate to do it again! I miss it already!!
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